Sunday, July 7, 2013

Meet the gang!

Today, one of my awesome coworkers attended a reptile expo. He brought me back two hissing cockroaches from there :)

I had initially requested two females so as not to have 300 cockroaches but he somehow missed that memo, and I ended up with a female and a male. Also, the female might already be pregnant with more cockroaches :) They were introduced to Sully Cilantro tonight and they are currently cohabiting one tank, getting along brilliantly!

I have named the male Gignard and the female Claisen, after a reagent and a reaction in Organic Chemistry. Here's some photos of the gang :)

The initial meeting of Sully Cilantro and Claisen
This made me incredibly happy...When I introduced Grignard to the mix, Sully Cilantro crawled on top of him, followed by Claisen crawling under him and they all "snuggled" together.

This is male, Grignard, saying hello!

This is all three of them. Claisen is on top, Sully Cilantro in the middle, and Grignard is on the bottom.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's so easy to forget...Stupid, forgetful Michael...

It seems as if I've been on a hiatus from .... here.

Some updates:

ALMOST done with pre-calc. My first two exam scores were 100 and 99, which ROCKED and my third exam is tomorrow.

Finished the first draft of my personal statement/letter of intent.

Third world problem: Asked too many people for recommendations, can only have 6 as per VMCAS. Will be seeing about that.

Sully is now pretty much officially Cilantro. She had her third molt, and I am believing that she is actually a girl.

If anyone actually reads this weird word mess, and if you would like to give me feedback on the first draft of my personal statement... leave me some words! :)

Back again soon (hopefully, not as long as THIS took)...